London City Airport Currency Exchange

Changing your travel money and obtaining the cheapest foreign currency exchange rates can be a bit of a hassle before you go on holiday but many people just don't realise how much difference there can be between the price you pay for the different methods of getting the best foreign exchange. There are many ways to get your travel money at Liverpool Airport, below are a few options that will leave your mind at ease before your flight.

The method you use will depend a lot on when you are going on holiday. Exchange rates also change daily so a deal you will get one day from one provider may change the next day and mean another provider is cheaper at the time you need to change your holiday money.

travel money

We have researched the different ways you can purchase your travel money and found the best solutions for everyone to help make sure you get the best rates and save money, time and hassle!

Bureau de Change at London City Airport

It is important to remember that exchange rates fluctuate, a rate that you get one day, may not be the same the next. Therefore it is important to organise your travel money when currency rates are favourable. We have researched the different ways to collect travel money and found various options for people, depending on which method is best suited to you.

There are 2 main kiosks available at London City Airport for both competitive rates and professional service. You can find a kiosk either on the left as you enter the internal terminal entrance doors, or in the departure lounge as you exit security International Arrivals.

Travelex at London City Airport

As the world's biggest foreign currency exchange provider, serving over 30 million customers each year. Travelex can provide all your usual currency exchange services, along with a VAT refund service for non-EU residents. Use the widget below to view the current exchange rates and purchase the currency you need!

Why use Travelex?

Prepaid Currency Cards

With a prepaid currency card, you can transfer money from your bank account to the card and receive that day’s exchange rate for your cash. The cards can then be used at ATMs at your destination or used instead of a debit card. You can usually top up your card online or by phone. What you do need to watch out for are the ATM fees and “inactivity fees” when you do not use your card for a while, these charges may make the original saving from the low exchange rate obsolete.
prepaid currency cards

Credit and Debit Cards

If you are lucky enough to own one of the special "good cards" you may find that the best option is to spend using this card abroad. However, be very careful that you have the exact card that is listed as "good" as ones outside of this can be very bad and using one will mean that you end up paying well over the odds for your foreign currency and purchases. Banks will change the terms and conditions of the cards they offer from time to time so it is important to check that your credit or debit card still offers these options.
London City Airport Currency Exchange - post office
  • Great rates and 0% commission
  • The more you buy, the better the rate. Minimum spend: £400. Maximum spend: £2,500
  • 100% refund guarantee if your holiday is cancelled. T&Cs apply.
  • Over 60 currencies available as cash – order online for our best rates on every currency
  • EUR and US Dollars ready to collect in 2 hours from selected branches, with Click & Collect. All other currencies available to collect from branch the next working day when ordering before 3pm